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Know the Property You’re About to Buy


Insect Report (WDI)

Thinking of buying or selling a home, need a wood destroying insect report to complete the purchase? You can leave the work to our pest control professionals at D2B Pest Control of Southern Indiana, LLC in Washington, Indiana. We offer WDI services to make sure your home or commercial property is free from wood destroying insects. We look for the following:

  • Termites
  • Carpenter Ants
  • Carpenter Bees
  • Wood Boring Beetles
  • Also Any Wood Destroying Organisms 

After a thorough inspection, we will provide a written report as to what was discovered during the inspection. The inspector will inspect all visible and readily accessible areas of the structure. 

Call and set up your inspection today!

Why Inspect?

Thousands of homes are attacked by termites and other wood-destroying insects  / organisms every year. For those looking to purchase a home, they need to know if there are any issues within a property before investing their money. It is advised that an inspection be conducted by a representative of a licensed pest control company who can detect the presence of these issues and then provide a report on their findings.

Who Orders An Inspection?

A pest control firm may be selected by the seller or his agent, lending institution, or buyer, depending on the state's real estate laws or established practice.

As a purchaser, you should be advised as to which company is doing the inspection and in some areas as a buyer, you can make the selection.

What Does The Inspection Entail?

A qualified and licensed inspector from the licensed pest control company will perform the inspection. He or she inspects all visible areas of the structure which are readily accessible to him or her. If he or she finds evidence of an infestation he or she reports the evidences on a specified form. Inspections may include sounding or probing areas where infestations are suspected.

What If Evidence of an

Infestation Is Found?

We will recommend the appropriate treatment that will control the issue. For termites, a treatment is usually warrantied for a year. This means if D2B Pest Control performed the treatment and an infestation is found while the warranty is in effect, our company will retreat at no charge to you.

D2B Pest Control of Southern Indiana, LLC

D2B Pest Control ~ Where Quality, Integrity, & Price Come Together! Quality service doesn’t have to be high priced. High-priced service doesn’t mean you’re receiving quality service. Integrity means doing the right thing for the customer, combining quality services and reasonable prices. 

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